Turn your yard into a

Permaculture Food Forest

Serving the Puget Sound region and beyond.

Food sovereignty is sovereignty— without it we have nothing.

In a world where we’re far too often cut off from the basic tenets that sustain our health and well-being exists a movement of people coming back to the land, to live in harmony with and be nourished by nature.

Permaculture, in short, stands for permanent agriculture. Centered on guiding principles, permaculture looks at existing landscapes and creates sustainable and regenerative designs utilizing primarily perennial plants while establishing symbiotic systems that contribute back to nature more than they take from her.

Beyond planting an annual garden, our goal is to help people install permanent usable landscapes— a food forest fit with medicinal gardens and simple processes necessitating low input (simple upkeep!) with increasing yields as the plants mature— minimal maintenance with years of bountiful harvest.

Picture not a bare grass lawn in Seattle: fruit trees lining the streets, fences adorned with grapevines, flowers and herbs providing medicinal and culinary uses— how much happier and healthier our family and community could be! That’s where we come in, offering permaculture landscape services as a means of changing the world.

Our services include:

  • Edible Landscape Design + Installation

  • Soil Restoration

  • Regenerative Maintenance

  • Medicinal Herb Gardens

  • Fragrance + Pollinator Gardens

  • Custom Raised Beds + Hardscaping

  • Consultation

  • Coaching

Whether you’re looking for an edible oasis on a metropolitan balcony or if you’re looking to transform acres into a self-sustaining homestead, we offer a range of services to help you actualize your dream.

Go home to nature and let nature heal you.

~Thich Nhat Hanh